Michigan lawmaker hates time change, says let's end it - USA TODAY
The time of year has come, and soon clocks will 'Spring' forward! Daylight saving time starts on the second Sunday in March and ends on the first Sunday in November.
DETROIT — He's fine with Eastern Standard Time, and he's good with daylight saving time.
What Michigan state Rep. Pete Lucido hates is switching back and forth twice a year.
"It's not about the actual time. It's about changing that hour. That's what causes all the trouble," said the Republican from Shelby Township, Mich., about 25 miles north of Detroit.
He greets what is coming at 2 a.m. Sunday — when most Americans must set their clocks ahead one hour — with a mix of dread and chagrin.
By "all the trouble," he means everything from more traffic accidents; more on-the-job injuries; more seizures, heart attacks and strokes; as well as drowsy schoolkids, upset dairy cows and now, according to a study out in February from Boston University Medical Center, higher miscarriage rates among women undergoing in vitro fertilization.
"Anybody who wants to continue this is cuckoo," Lucido said.
► Spring forward:Here comes the sun; daylight-saving time starts Sunday
► Or not:Why Arizona doesn't observe daylight-saving time
The long list of Michigan politicians from both parties who've tried and failed to get what he’s after does not deter him.
The very thought of the time change had Lucido sounding like he's short of sleep. Get him started on this, and you might want to take off your watch, pour some coffee.
"This has bothered me as long as I can remember!” he fairly shouted into the phone before reciting a litany of rationales and studies for ending the time changes that began, on and off, more than a century ago.
Lucido said he became persuaded of the needless expense and human cost of the time change while working for 30 years as a lawyer advising his family’s insurance company about the rash of workers' compensation cases that arose from workplace injuries after each time change.
"If you’re working with heavy equipment, or on an assembly line or even just doing an intense mental activity, you’re not on your game" after the time shift, he said.
The reason: Humans and most other mammals have very specific body clocks, and when they're suddenly disrupted by an hour — in either direction, but especially in March's sleep-depriving change — what breaks loose is a behavioral form of all H-E-double-hockey-sticks, sleep researchers say.
Lucido is trying his idea again in this year's Michigan legislative session but with a new twist. Unlike previous lawmakers’ attempts, he won't try to eliminate daylight-saving time. Instead, he would keep it all the time.
Imagine being on the same time as Nova Scotia in the winter.
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Makes sense, said former state Rep. Jeff Irwin, a Democrat from Ann Arbor, Mich., who in two previous legislative sessions sponsored a bill to end daylight-saving time.
"I must say, the recreation industry got to me and said, 'Why not go to daylight saving all year? That would be good for golfing and outdoor cafes and all kinds of activities because you'd have more evening hours' " of light, Irwin said.
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