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Democratic leaders discuss Trump-era politics at UMass Amherst - wwlp.com

AMHERST, Mass. (WWLP) – A progressive political forum was held Saturday night in Amherst to put a focus on the liberal political agenda.

Republican president Donald Trump has ushered in a new era of conservative policies and practices. So Congressman Jim McGovern and Deputy Democratic National Committee Chair Keith Ellison mediated a dialogue of alternative progressive ideas at Stockbridge Hall on the campus of UMass Amherst. They also took questions from the audience.

People told 22News why they came. Marguerite Suozzo-Gole of Northampton said, “I would like to hear them address how they plan to work with local activists groups on the ground to engage the Democratic Party from the grassroots up.”

People described the era of the Trump Administration as an uncertain time.

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