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Coming up this week in business: Political tumult, the price of your home, and a tip for investors - CNBC

The market's at an interesting crossroads: The Trump win propelled a big market surge, but things have cooled off considerably as of late.

We asked Michael Yoshikami, CEO and founder of Destination Wealth Management, what he'd be telling investors who confused over what to do in such a volatile environment. He warned that trying to "time" the market is "virtually impossible to win," but he thinks it's worthwhile to get a little "defensive" when it comes to owning stocks right now: "I think you're going to want to have some (companies) that have dividends, that have some cash flow."

"When people come up to us and say, 'I have cash. Should I invest all my money in the stock market going up?" my answer is, I would be very cautious, and if I put my money in (stocks), I would be putting it in over a period of time that would stretch out into months rather than days or weeks."

In other words, be careful — be very careful.


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