Politics podcast: Governor's debate and Trump's rigged-election claims, on The Overcast - The Seattle Times
Is the presidential election rigged? Is voter fraud as widespread as Donald Trump claims it is? Does anyone remember that we’re also having a gubernatorial election this year?
First up in episode 7 of our weekly politics podcast, Seattle Times Olympia bureau reporter Joseph O’Sullivan helps us break down the final debate in the governor’s race.
We start with what Democratic Gov. Jay Inslee and Republican challenger Bill Bryant said about the controversial issue of police shootings — and whether the state should change state law to make it easier to prosecute officers for unjustified shootings. (Spoiler: the politicians avoided taking a position.)
At about 7:15, we also discuss which taxes Bryant and Inslee are putting on the table to pay for the state’s public-school funding problems. And does Bryant, who’s being badly outspent, have any shot at upsetting a three-decade Democratic winning streak?
RELATED: Fact-checking the final Inslee-Bryant debate
Then, at 11:30, we turn our attention to Donald Trump, who says “they even want to try and rig the election at the polling booths” with voter fraud.
But Washington’s Republican Secretary of State Kim Wyman says Trump’s talk is irresponsible — and the kind of claim that comes only from losing candidates. “To make a claim so sweeping, that the system is rigged, is on its face just ludicrous,” Wyman says. She even cites Washington’s controversial 2004 gubernatorial election, which found voting flaws, but no evidence of widespread fraud.
As an extra, here are a few videos of Trump from after the debate, following up on his skepticism of the election process:
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